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AQA Paper 2 Assessment and Moderation

Richard Gent | Thursday May 25, 2017



Serving Suggestions

How do you know that your department moderation of paper 2 is reliable? These materials have been develop to complement this mock exam in the following ways.

  1. For teachers’ moderation we have links to videos where you can read the examples, marks and explanations. Use the links below to watch a video of a script being ‘live’ marked, then ‘mystery’ ones where you are tested on your marking. This can be completed by your department as part of their moderation and is an improved version of what AQA do for moderation.
  2. A teacher reference booklet for when marking mocks- examples of each level for each question to refer to when marking- just like you have when marking the real thing.
  3. For students: show snippets of Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 analysis of the same feature to assist when feeding back following a mock that used that paper.
  4. Save yourself some time but give students accurate feedback as initial marking can be completed by your whole class using the online slide link below then use the moderation documents to drill down to improve.
  5. Marked ‘perfect’ answers to assist with writing student’s own with different texts. Students have text, and teacher has the annotated one and they talk them through where it hits the mark scheme and why.
  6. What ‘not to do’ or ‘common mistakes on the language exam’ lesson using snippets from the answers. How to avoid ‘makes the reader want to read on’.

All of the above could be made from this one page…

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