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A Handful of Dust | Lesson One

Richard Gent | Sunday May 24, 2020

Categories: KS5 Resources, KS5 Literature

Lesson Plan One

Starter Activity

Blame and responsibility - See Guide

Re-read pages 107-112 (in the Penguin Edition): ‘It was nearly an hour before the news reached Jock and Mrs Rattery……'But, you see, I know Brenda so well.'

The issue of responsibility is extenuated and repeated from the last line of the scene discussed in the commentary.  Locate the following references and note down who says them and, if possible, why.

  1. No one to blame though’
  2. ‘It wasn’t the kid’s fault’
  3. ‘It wasn’t anyone’s fault’
  4. 'If it was anyone's fault it was Mr Grant-Menzies making him go in.'
  5. 'It wasn't anyone's fault,' they said
  6. ‘It wasn’t her fault’
  7. ‘No, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. It just happened’

 The only person who does take responsibility, ludicrously and totally incorrectly, is Jenny Abdul Aktar.

'Oh yes,' said Jenny. 'It was. It was my fault. I ought never to have gone there... a terrible curse hangs over me. Wherever I go I bring nothing but sorrow... if only it was I that was dead... I shall never be able to face them again. I feel like a murderess... that brave little life snuffed out.'

They are:_

  1. The Doctor: presumably to calm nerves
  2. Ben: to defend John Andrew and himself
  3. All the rest of those present: to reassure each other
  4. Ben: to divert and deflect blame from himself
  5. All the rest of this present: to reassure…

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