Summary of the Plot
It is generally accepted that that there are five main characters in the play: the Duchess and her husband Antonio (her steward) who are virtuous, chaste, innocent and good: and, conversely her twin brother Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria who is vilely repulsive, evil, jealous and obsessed; and their elder brother the Cardinal who is ice cold, utterly depraved and corrupt. Between these two poles we have Bosola a cynical malcontent who has been in the service of the Cardinal and now becomes the tool of Ferdinand. Having behaved hideously and murderously at Ferdinand's behest, the sight of the corpses of the children of the Duchess prompts him to change sides Instead of taking Ferdinand's revenge on the Duchess he takes her revenge on the brothers. All the principal characters and more die at or before the end of the play.
In Act One scene one we meet Antonio and Delio: the former gives a glowing account of the corruption free French Court and the management of the King that makes it so. He warns Delio of Bosola. Bosola complains to the Cardinal about his ingratitude.....Read more in our printable pdf