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Viewing entries from category: Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes

‘Slices’ for GCSE English Literature »

Emily Prentice | Wednesday February 06, 2019

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry , Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry Assessment Pack, Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry Schemes, EDEXCEL GCSE, Edexcel GCSE English Literature 2015, Component 1: Shakespeare and Post-1914 Literature , Component 1: Shakespeare and Post-1914 Literature Assessment Pack, Component 1: Shakespeare and Post-1914 Literature Schemes, Component 2: 19th Century Novel and Poetry since 1789, Component 2: 19th Century Novel and Poetry since 1789 Schemes, Component 2: 19th-Century Novel & Poetry since 1789 Assessment Pack, 9-1 IGCSE, 9-1 IGCSE English Literature, IGCSE English Literature CIE 0477, IGCSE English Literature Edexcel, Drama, Macbeth, Prose, A Christmas Carol, Animal Farm

1. A Christmas Carol Online Slides New! A Christmas Carol Printable PDF SLICE booklet New! 2. Macbeth Online Slides New! Macbeth Printable PDF SLICE booklet New! 3. Animal Farm Online Slides New! Animal Farm Printable PDF SLICE booklet New! 4. AQA Love and Relationships Poetry Online Slides New! L&R Poetry Printable PDF SLICE booklet New! What are Slices and how do you use them? We asked Amy Forrester to share with you her 'slices' strategy. Back in 2015, when the first exams of the… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Macbeth Scheme »

Shane Richardson | Tuesday January 26, 2016

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Drama, Macbeth, Hot Entries, Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Plays, Writing, Drama Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Macbeth Scheme Model Responses AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack How the unit is assessed: 1 hour 45 minute written exam 64 marks 40% of GCSE Exam Questions Section A In Section A, students will respond to a Shakespeare play that they have been taught in preparation for the examination. The paper will contain an extract about which students will need to write and then use this as a springboard… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Sign of Four »

iyerm | Wednesday April 22, 2015

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Hot Entries, Prose, The Sign of Four, Writing, Prose Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack How the unit is assessed:Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 64 marks 40% of GCSE All assessments are closed book: any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment. All assessments are compulsory. Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one question on their play of choice. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Pride and Prejudice Scheme »

leaves | Wednesday March 25, 2015

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Hot Entries, Prose, Pride and Prejudice, Writing, Prose Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack How the unit is assessed:Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 64 marks 40% of GCSE All assessments are closed book: any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment. All assessments are compulsory. Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one question on their play of choice. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Jane Eyre Scheme Lessons 1 - 7 »

jallen | Friday March 20, 2015

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Hot Entries, Prose, Jane Eyre

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Jane Eyre Scheme Lessons 1 - 7 AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Jane Eyre Scheme Lessons 8 - 14 AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack Associated Resources Jane and Rochester The First Meeting.docx Love Rivals.docx How the unit is assessed: Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 64 marks 40% of GCSE All assessments are closed book: any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment. All… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: A Christmas Carol Scheme »

| Monday March 02, 2015

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Hot Entries, Prose, A Christmas Carol, Writing, Prose Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack How the unit is assessed:Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 64 marks 40% of GCSE All assessments are closed book: any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment. All assessments are compulsory. Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one question on their play of choice. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Romeo and Juliet Scheme »

Shane Richardson | Tuesday February 03, 2015

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Drama, Romeo & Juliet, Hot Entries, Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Plays, Writing, Drama Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack How the unit is assessed: 1 hour 45 minute written exam 64 marks 40% of GCSE Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one question on their play of choice. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play and then to write about the play as a whole. Section B The 19th-century novel: students will answer one question on their novel of choice. They… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Frankenstein Scheme »

iyerm | Tuesday February 03, 2015

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Hot Entries, Prose, Frankenstein, Writing, Prose Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack Associated Resources Comparative 19th Century to Modern Times Table.docx Frankenstein Nature and Knowledge Extracts.docx How the unit is assessed:Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 64 marks 40% of GCSE All assessments are closed book: any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment. All assessments are compulsory. Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Tempest Higher Ability Scheme »

| Monday December 08, 2014

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Drama, The Tempest, Hot Entries, Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Plays, Writing, Drama Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack Associated Resources The Tempest Character List.docx The Tempest Symbolism Chart.docx How it’s assessed: 1 hour 45 minute written exam 64 marks 40% of GCSE Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one question on their play of choice. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play and then to write about the play as a whole. Section B The… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Much Ado About Nothing Scheme Weeks 1-3 »

Alex Bull | Friday November 28, 2014

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, Drama, Much Ado About Nothing, Hot Entries, Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Plays, Writing, Drama Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Much Ado About Nothing Scheme Weeks 1-3 AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Much Ado About Nothing Scheme Weeks 4-6 AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack Associated Resources Much Ado Assessment for Learning Sheet.docx Edusites Much Ado About Nothing Activities Pack.docx How the unit is assessed: 1 hour 45 minute written exam 64 marks 40% of GCSE Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Great Expectations Scheme »

iyerm | Thursday November 20, 2014

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, AQA GCSE Pre-2015 Resources, AQA English Literature, Hot Entries, Prose, Great Expectations, Writing, Prose Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack Associated Resources Great Expectations Visual Aids.docx Great Expectations Pip’s Development Chart.docx Great Expectations Chapter 2 Extracts.docx How the unit is assessed:Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 64 marks 40% of GCSE All assessments are closed book: any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment. All assessments are compulsory. Exam Questions… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Scheme »

| Thursday September 11, 2014

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, AQA GCSE Pre-2015 Resources, AQA English Literature, Hot Entries, Prose, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Writing, Prose Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Scheme AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Sample Paper & Response AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack Associated Resources ID Questions.docx Lesson Six Gothic References Table.docx In the following Scheme of Work (SOW) The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde will be focused on. The paper will be assessed in the following way: Assessment… [ read full article ] »

AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Merchant of Venice Lessons 1-7 »

| Monday September 08, 2014

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Literature 2015, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Schemes, AQA GCSE Pre-2015 Resources, AQA English Literature, Drama, The Merchant of Venice, Hot Entries, Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Plays, Writing, Drama Analysis

Guide Navigation AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Merchant of Venice Lessons 1-7 AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Merchant of Venice Lessons 8-14 AQA GCSE Eng Lit Paper 1: The Merchant of Venice Sample Paper & Response AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel Assessment Pack Associated Resources AQA GCSE The Merchant of Venice Table 1.docx How the unit is assessed: 1 hour 45 minute written exam 64 marks 40% of GCSE Exam Questions Section A Shakespeare: students… [ read full article ] »