Beverly Abrahams | Thursday June 26, 2014
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE Pre-2015 Resources, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA GCSE Generic Skills, AQA GCSE Skills Resources, EDEXCEL GCSE, Edexcel GCSE Generic Skills, Edexcel GCSE Skills Resources, Edexcel GCSE Pre-2015 Resources, Edexcel English, Edexcel Unit 3 Creative Responses, EDEXCEL iGCSE, EDEXCEL iGCSE English Language, Paper 2 Reading and Writing, Edexcel iGCSE Generic Skills , Edexcel iGCSE Skills Resources, Cambridge iGCSE, English 0500, English 0522, Cambridge iGCSE English, OCR GCSE, WJEC Eduqas GCSE, Hot Entries, OCR GCSE Generic Skills, OCR GCSE Skills Resources, WJEC GCSE Generic Skills, WJEC GCSE Skills Resources
click on image to enlarge This guide has been written with the CIE English Unit 0500 and 0522 in mind, but it could be equally useful to introduce and practice narrative writing skills for WJEC, OCR, AQA and Edexcel GCSE and iGCSE. Objective To develop appropriate writing skills in line with the objectives required by Cambridge International Examinations for Cambridge iGCSE First Language English Syllabus code 0500 and Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate First Language English…
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Richard Gent | Wednesday June 04, 2014
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing
Modern Texts An Inspector Calls PPT GCSE English Literature Student’s Guide to An Inspector Calls Learning Mats | An Inspector Calls A Guide to Animal Farm A Guide to Mister Pip GCSE English Literature To Kill a Mockingbird | Set of Lessons GCSE English Literature Student Guide to Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ A GCSE English Literature Guide to Susan Hill’s The Woman in Black A GCSE Student’s Guide to The Woman in Black GCSE English Literature Student Guide to John…
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| Monday April 28, 2014
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Media & Non-Fiction, Analysing Media & Non-Fiction, Writing, Non-Fiction Analysis, AQA English, Unit 1 Non Fiction Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 1 Texts: Non Fiction
click on image to enlarge AQA Unit 1: Understanding and Producing Non-Fiction Texts When answering this paper it is important to remember that Section A is designed to support you and help your written pieces in Section B. It often offers ideas regarding the key topics covered and it provides you with valuable information such as statistics or facts to help you in your responses. Even more importantly, it can remind you of the genre and style conventions. For example, if you are asked to write…
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Sarah Mellor | Wednesday April 16, 2014
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Writing, Script Writing, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing
Associated Resources Lesson Plan for Script Writing.doc Script Writing Grid.doc Script Writing - Presentation Feedback Grid.doc Script Examples.doc Introduction The resources contained here are designed for students studying GCSE English (focused on the AQA Boards Specification). The resources are designed primarily for students of lower ability as well as with specific special educational needs; however, as this unit is skills and practice based the ideas and guides can easily be adapted for…
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Sarah Mellor | Tuesday April 15, 2014
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Writing, Creative Writing, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing
AQA GCSE Unit 3b: Creative Writing (Descriptive) Teacher Notes Associated Resources Character Description Task.docx Scene Images Prompts.docx Descriptive Writing Grid.docx Introduction The resources contained in this teaching pack are designed for students studying GCSE English (focused on the AQA Boards Specification but easily adaptable for all other GCSE English specifications). The resources are designed specifically for struggling students, including those of lower ability and including…
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Sarah Mellor | Wednesday January 22, 2014
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Writing, Productive, Creative or Original Writing, Descriptive Writing, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing
click on image to enlarge Introduction The resources contained in this teaching pack are designed for students studying GCSE English (focused on the AQA Boards Specification but easily adaptable for all other GCSE English specifications). The resources are designed specifically for struggling students, including those of lower ability and including those with specific Special Educational Needs. The exam board’s only differentiation concession is to create a Higher and Foundation Tier paper…
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Sarah Mellor | Friday November 22, 2013
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Writing, Productive, Creative or Original Writing, Informative Account, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing
click on image to enlarge Introduction The resources contained here are designed for students studying GCSE English (focused on the AQA Specification). The resources are designed specifically for students of Lower Ability as well as those with certain specific Special Educational Needs. The exam boards’ only differentiation concession is to create a Higher and Foundation Tier paper each series, they do not specifically cater to students who struggle to access the basics in English – so we…
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Sarah Mellor | Friday November 22, 2013
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Writing, Productive, Creative or Original Writing, Narrative Writing, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts
click on image to enlarge Introduction The resources contained within this SOW are designed for students studying for their GCSE English qualification. This resource has been designed specifically both for students with lower than average abilities at English as well as those with certain specific ‘Special Educational Needs’. The exam boards’ only differentiation concession is to create a Higher and Foundation Tier paper each series; they do not specifically cater to students who struggle…
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Sarah Mellor | Thursday November 21, 2013
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Writing, Productive, Creative or Original Writing, Persuasive Writing, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing
click on image to enlarge Introduction The resources contained here are designed for students studying GCSE English (focused on the AQA ‘A’ Specification). The resources are designed specifically for students of Lower Ability and with specific Special Educational Needs. The exam boards’ only differentiation concession is to create a Higher and Foundation Tier paper each series; they do not specifically cater to students who struggle to access the basics in English – so, as teachers, we…
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Sarah Mellor | Thursday November 21, 2013
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE Pre-2015 Resources, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing, Hot Entries, Writing, Persuasive Writing, Speech Analysis
click on image to enlarge Identifying Persuasive Techniques and Analysing Persuasive Texts Introduction The following lesson plan and resources are ideal for a one-off GCSE preparation lesson. The idea is to examine persuasive techniques and then answer a GCSE examination-style question on two persuasive texts, requiring students to compare the texts in terms of the audience and point of view of the writer. You can use this resource in two ways: Spread the tasks out over two or three lessons,…
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| Friday November 08, 2013
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Writing, Productive, Creative or Original Writing, AQA English, Unit 3 Creative Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 3 Understanding Texts and Creative Writing
click on image to enlarge June 2015 Submission Candidates must complete two tasks. Each task must be taken from a different column. Work should be produced under formal supervision in time totalling up to four hours. The responses do not need to be of equal length. They do not have to be completed in the same session. The objective assessed in this part of Unit 3 is: AO4 Writing Write to communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, using and adapting forms and selecting vocabulary…
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Steve Campsall | Tuesday May 28, 2013
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Media & Non-Fiction, Analysing Media & Non-Fiction, Writing, Non-Fiction Analysis, AQA English, Unit 1 Non Fiction Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 1 Texts: Non Fiction
Note The advice in the guide is focused on the requirements of the AQA Unit 1 exam (Section A), but could easily be adapted to suit the requirements of other exam boards in their testing on non-fiction and media texts. The examples shown at the end of each section of the guide as exemplification are based on the AQA Unit 1 June 2012 Higher paper texts and questions, available from the AQA website. Section A: Reading Question 1 Use a highlighter pen to mark the key words contained in the question…
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Steph Atkinson | Tuesday October 09, 2012
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, EDEXCEL GCSE, OCR GCSE, WJEC Eduqas GCSE, Hot Entries, Media & Non-Fiction, Media & Non-Fiction Activities, Writing, Media Analysis, AQA English, Unit 1 Non Fiction Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 1 Texts: Non Fiction, OCR GCSE English, WJEC GCSE English, Unit 1 English in the Daily World (Reading)
Steve Campsall | Monday October 08, 2012
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, EDEXCEL GCSE, OCR GCSE, WJEC Eduqas GCSE, Hot Entries, Media & Non-Fiction, Media & Non-Fiction Activities, AQA English, Unit 1 Non Fiction Texts, AQA English Language , Unit 1 Texts: Non Fiction, Edexcel English, Edexcel Unit 1 English Today, Edexcel English Language, Unit 1 English Today, OCR GCSE English Language, Unit A680, OCR GCSE English, Unit A680 Information and Ideas, WJEC GCSE English, Unit 1 English in the Daily World (Reading), WJEC GCSE English Language, Unit 1 Studying Written Language
As part of your GCSE English exam, you’ll be asked to analyse and discuss aspects of the non-fiction and media text ‘genre’. Genre The word ‘genre’ suggests that a text type is easily identifiable by readers as belonging to a particular kind or type; in effect, we all ‘stereotype’ texts just as we do people but the effect is called ‘genre’ rather than stereotyping! Texts that clearly ‘fit’ a particular genre are called ‘generic texts’ and we recognise them because they…
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| Wednesday October 03, 2012
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, EDEXCEL GCSE, OCR GCSE, Hot Entries, Prose, Animal Farm, Writing, Analytical Writing, Literary Analysis, Poetry Analysis, AQA English, AQA English Language , AQA English Literature, Unit 4 Approaching Shakespeare, Edexcel English Literature, Unit 1 Understanding Prose, OCR GCSE English Literature, Unit A664
Guide Navigation A Guide to Animal Farm Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 AQA English Literature GCSE 3d Unit 4: Approaching Shakespeare and the English Literary Heritage AQA English GCSE 3c Unit 3 Understanding and producing creative texts AO1: respond to texts critically & imaginatively; select & evaluate textual details to illustrate & support interpretations AO2: explain how language, structure & form…
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| Tuesday January 31, 2012
Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, Hot Entries, Poetry, Anthologies, AQA English, AQA English Language , AQA English Literature, Unit 2 Poetry Across Time, AQA Moon On The Tides
Guide Navigation AQA Moon on the Tides Anthology - Relationship PPTs AQA Moon on the Tides Anthology - Character and Voice PPTs AQA Moon on the Tides Anthology - Place PPTs AQA Moon on the Tides Anthology - Conflict PPTs Relationship Powerpoints This anthology is used for the following courses: GCSE English Spec Code 4700 GCSE English Language Spec Code 4705 GCSE English Literature Spec Code 4710 The Anthology can also be used for Controlled Assessments in the following: GCSE English Literature…
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