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English Language NEA Investigation Part 2

Richard Gent | Wednesday September 12, 2018



This is a guide to preparing students for the various ‘Investigations in English Language’ units that form part of many A Level English Language courses.


Students will need considerable teaching input at key stages of investigation work:

Before beginning their projects: “What should I do it on?

  • Lessons can usefully ‘showcase’ different possibilities. ‘Mini’ investigations (to demonstrate the format and importance of selecting the right frameworks to use) are very helpful at this stage.
  • A very useful teacher forum that will provide a great deal of help for this unit (and all others…) is the English Language List. It is well worth joining this forum as the help offered can be quite amazing.
  • Many students respond well to a list of possible titles, although of course the weakest will simply view this as a list from which to choose.  Many departments keep copies of student’s work from previous years and a lesson can be usefully based on using these to give ideas and to exemplify what is needed.
  • It can also be useful to briefly revise key topics and concepts from year 12, or topics from the A Level exam may need to be taught in order to be available to students as possible Investigation areas.

Whilst analysing their data: “Have I chosen the right frameworks?

  • At this stage, individual consultation is by far the most effective method of ensuring that students feel confident in their analysis.  This is of course time-consuming, but a few lessons set aside for 10-15 minute consultations can prove invaluable – and of course allows for the inevitable fact that they will not all be ready to consult at exactly the same time.
  • It can also,…

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