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AQA GCSE English Language P1 Explorations Mark Scheme Brothers Section B

ghallahan | Monday October 19, 2015

Categories: KS4, AQA GCSE, AQA GCSE English Language 2015, Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing, Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing Schemes, Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing Assessment Pack, AQA GCSE Pre-2015 Resources, AQA GCSE Generic Skills, AQA GCSE Skills Resources

Section B: Writing

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

Write in full sentences.

You are reminded of the need to plan your answer.

You should leave enough time to check your work at the end.
You are going to enter a creative writing competition.
Your entry will be judged by a panel of people of your own age.


Write a description suggested by this picture


Write a story about a person who is lost and cannot find their way home.

(24 marks for content and organization;
16 marks for technical accuracy)

[40 marks]

Mark Scheme


Content and Organisation

  • Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences.
  • Organise information and ideas, using structural and grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of texts.

Level Skills

Level 4 19-24 marks

  • Compelling, Convincing

Upper Level 4 22-24 marks


  • Register is convincing and compelling for audience
  • Assuredly matched to purpose
  • Extensive and ambitious vocabulary with sustained crafting of linguistic devices


  • Varied and inventive use of structural features
  • Writing is compelling, incorporating a range of convincing and complex ideas
  • Fluently linked paragraphs with seamlessly integrated discourse markers
  1. At the top of the range, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation
  2. At the bottom of the range, a student will have the lower range of Level 4 and at least one of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation from the upper range of Level 4

Lower Level 4 19-21 marks


  • Register is convincingly matched to audience
  • Convincingly matched to purpose
  • Extensive vocabulary with conscious crafting of linguistic devices


  • Varied and effective structural features
  • Writing is highly engaging with a range of developed complex ideas
  • Consistently coherent use of paragraphs with integrated discourse markers
  1. At the top of the range, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation
  2. At the bottom of the range, a student will have the upper range of Level 3 and at least one of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation from the lower range of Level 4.

Level 3 13-18 marks

  • Consistent, Clear

Upper Level 3 16-18 marks


  • Register is consistently matched to audience
  • Consistently matched to purpose
  • Increasingly sophisticated vocabulary and phrasing, chosen for effect with a range of successful linguistic devices


  • Effective use of structural features
  • Writing is engaging, using a range of clear connected ideas
  • Coherent paragraphs with integrated discourse markers
  1. At the top of the range, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation
  2. At the bottom of the range, a student will have the lower range of Level 3 and at least one of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation from the upper range of Level 3

Lower Level 3 13-15 marks


  • Register is generally matched to audience
  • Generally matched to purpose
  • Vocabulary clearly chosen for effect and appropriate use of linguistic devices


  • Usually effective use of structural features
  • Writing is engaging, with a range of connected ideas
  • Usually coherent paragraphs with range of discourse markers
  1. At the top of the range, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation
  2. At the bottom of the range, a student will have the upper range of Level 2 and at least one of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation from the lower range of Level 3


Level 2 7-12 marks

  • Some success

Upper Level 2 10-12 marks


  • Some sustained attempt to match register to audience
  • Some sustained attempt to match purpose
  • Conscious use of vocabulary with some use of linguistic devices


  • Some use of structural features
  • Increasing variety of linked and relevant ideas
  • Some use of paragraphs and some use of discourse markers
  1. At the top of the range, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation
  2. At the bottom of the range, a student will have the lower range of Level 2 and at least one of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation from the upper range of Level 2

Lower Level 2 7-9 marks


  • Attempts to match register to audience
  • Attempts to match purpose
  • Begins to vary vocabulary with some use of linguistic devices


  • Attempts to use structural features
  • Some linked and relevant ideas
  • Attempt to write in paragraphs with some discourse markers, not always appropriate
  1. At the top of the range, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation
  2. At the bottom of the range, a student will have the upper range of Level 1 and at least one of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation from the lower range of Level 2

Level 1 1-6 marks

  • Simple, Limited

Upper Level 1 4-6 marks


  • Simple awareness of register/audience
  • Simple awareness of purpose
  • Simple vocabulary; simple linguistic devices


  • Evidence of simple structural features
  • One or two relevant ideas, simply linked
  • Random paragraph structure
  1. At the top of the range, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors for Content and Organisation from the lower range.

Lower Level 1 1-3 marks


  • Occasional sense of audience
  • Occasional sense of purpose
  • Simple vocabulary


  • Limited or no evidence of structural features
  • One or two unlinked ideas
  • No paragraphs

Level 0

  • No marks Students will not have offered any meaningful writing to assess
  • Nothing to reward.

AO6 Technical Accuracy

  • Candidates must use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. (This requirement must constitute 20% of the marks for each specification as a whole.)

Level 4 13-16 marks

  • Sentence demarcation is consistently secure and consistently accurate
  • Wide range of punctuation is used with a high level of accuracy
  • Uses a full range of appropriate sentence forms for effect
  • Uses Standard English consistently and appropriately with secure control of complex grammatical structures
  • High level of accuracy in spelling, including ambitious vocabulary
  • Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary
  1. At the top of the level, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors
  2. At the bottom of the level, a student will have Level 3 and at least one of the skills descriptors

Level 3 9-12 marks

  • Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and mostly accurate
  • Range of punctuation is used, mostly with success
  • Uses a variety of sentence forms for effect
  • Mostly uses Standard English appropriately with mostly controlled grammatical structures
  • Generally accurate spelling, including complex and irregular words
  • Increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary
  1. At the top of the level, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors
  2. At the bottom of the level, a student will have Level 2 and at least one of the skills descriptors

Level 2 5-8 marks

  • Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and sometimes accurate
  • Some control of a range of punctuation
  • Attempts a variety of sentence forms
  • Some use of Standard English with some control of agreement
  • Some accurate spelling of more complex words
  • Varied use of vocabulary
  1. At the top of the level, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors
  2. At the bottom of the level, a student will have Level 1 and at least one of the skills descriptors

Level 1 1-4 marks

  • Occasional use of sentence demarcation
  • Some evidence of conscious punctuation
  • Simple range of sentence forms
  • Occasional use of Standard English with limited control of agreement
  • Accurate basic spelling
  • Simple use of vocabulary
  1. At the top of the level, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors
  2. At the bottom of the level, a student will have at least one of the skills descriptors

Level 0 No marks

  1. Students’ spelling, punctuation etc. is sufficiently poor to prevent understanding or meaning.