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Eduqas Section B Mark Scheme GCSE English Language 20th Century Reading

ghallahan | Saturday January 25, 2014


Mark Scheme Section B (40 marks)

The following descriptors have to be applied using the notion of ‘best-fit’ and there is no intention to create a hierarchy of writing styles or content. The band descriptor that most closely describes the quality of the work should be selected:

  • Where the candidate’s work convincingly meets the statement, the highest mark should be awarded
  • Where the candidate’s work adequately meets the statement, the most appropriate mark in the middle range should be awarded
  • Where the candidate’s work just meets the statement, the lowest mark should be awarded

Examiners should use the full range of marks available to them and award full marks in any band for work that meets that descriptor. The marks on either side of the middle mark (s) for adequately met’ should be used where the standard is lower or higher than ‘adequate’ but not the highest or lowest mark in the band.

  • Marking should be positive, rewarding achievement rather than penalising failure or omissions. The awarding of marks must be directly related to the marking criteria.
  • The candidates themselves set the level of difficulty in terms of the choice of content, form and structure as well as in use of language. Successful execution must be considered in relation to ambition; individual interpretations should be judged on their writing merits.
  • We cannot be too rigid in our suggestions about the length of answers, but responses which are very short will be self-penalising. Be prepared for the unexpected approach.

The total mark for Section B (40) will be given by awarding two marks:

  • Communication and organisation (24 marks)
  • Vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation (16 marks)

It is presumed that candidates attaining Band 2 and above will have achieved the criteria listed in the previous band(s). Fine tuning of the mark within a band will be made on the basis of a ‘best fit’ procedure, weaknesses in some areas being compensated for by strengths in others.

AO5 (60% of the marks available):

  • Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences
  • Organise information and ideas, using structural and grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of texts

AO6 (40% of the marks available):

  • Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. This requirement must constitute 20% of the marks for each specification as a whole.

Band 5 20-24 marks


  • The writing is fully coherent and controlled(plot and characterisation are developed with detail, originality and imagination)
  • The writing is clearly and imaginative and organised (narrative is sophisticated and fully engages the reader’s interest)
  • Structure and grammatical features are used ambitiously to give the writing cohesion and coherence
  • Communication is ambitious and consistently conveys precise meaning

AO6 14-16 marks

  • There is appropriate and effective variation of sentence structures
  • Virtually all sentence construction is controlled and accurate
  • A range of punctuation is used confidently and accurately
  • Virtually all spelling, including that of complex irregular words, is correct
  • Control of tense and agreement is totally secure
  • A wide range of appropriate, ambitious vocabulary is used to create effect or convey precise meaning

Band 4 15-19 marks


  • The writing is clearly controlled and coherent plot and characterisation show convincing detail and some originality and imagination)
  • The writing is clearly organised (narrative is purposefully shaped and developed)
  • Structure and grammatical features are used accurately to support cohesion and coherence
  • Communication shows some ambition and conveys precise meaning

AO6 11-13 marks

  • Sentence structure is varied to achieve particular effects
  • Control of sentence construction is secure
  • A range of punctuation is used accurately
  • Spelling, including that of irregular words, is secure
  • Control of tense and agreement is secure
  • Vocabulary is ambitious and used with precision

Band 3 10-14 marks


  • The writing is mostly controlled and coherent (plot and characterisation show some detail and development)
  • The writing is organised (narrative has shape and direction)
  • Structure and grammatical features are used with some accuracy to convey meaning
  • Communication is clear but limited in ambition

AO6 7-10 marks

  • There is variety in sentence structure
  • Control of sentence construction is mostly secure
  • A range of punctuation is used, mostly accurately
  • Most spelling, including that of irregular words, is correct
  • Control of tense and agreement is mostly secure
  • Vocabulary is beginning to develop and is used with some precision

Band 2 5-9 marks


  • There is some control and coherence (some control of plot and characterisation)
  • There is some organisation (narrative is beginning to have some shape and development)
  • Structure and grammatical features are used to convey meaning
  • Communication is limited but clear

AO6 4-6 marks

  • Some variety of sentence structure
  • There is some control of sentence construction
  • Some control of a range of punctuation
  • The spelling is usually accurate
  • Control of tense and agreement is generally secure
  • There is some range of vocabulary

Band 1 1-4 marks


  • There is basic control and coherence (a basic sense of plot and characterisation)
  • There is basic organisation (paragraphs may be used to show obvious divisions)
  • There is some use of structure and grammatical features to convey meaning
  • Communication is limited but some meaning is conveyed

AO6 1-3 marks

  • Limited range of sentence structure
  • Control of sentence construction is limited
  • There is some attempt to use punctuation
  • Some spelling is accurate
  • Control of tense and agreement is limited
  • Limited range of vocabulary

0 marks

  • Nothing worthy of credit