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Indian Ink - Questions and Indicative Content

Richard Gent | Friday October 14, 2016

Categories: KS5 Resources, KS5 Literature, Drama, Indian Ink

Question 1



Anish This is so kind of you.

Mrs. Swan Oh no. Your letter was irresistible. Having an artist to tea was beyond my fondest hopes for my dotage. We’ll let it sit a minute. Do you think you take after your father?

Anish I don’t know. I would like to think so. But my father was a man who suffered for his beliefs and I have never had to do that, so perhaps I will never know.

Mrs. Swan I really meant being a painter. You are a painter like your father.

Anish Oh……. yes. Yes, I am a painter like my father. Though not at all like my father, of course.

Mrs. Swan Your father was an Indian painter, you mean?

Anish An Indian painter? Well I’m as Indian as he was. But yes. I suppose I am not a particularly Indian painter…. Not an Indian painter particularly, or rather…….

Mrs. Swan Not particularly an Indian painter.

Anish Yes. But then nor was he. Apart from being Indian.

Mrs. Swan As you are

Anish Yes

Mrs. Swan Though you are not at all like him.

Anish No. Yes. My father was a quite different kind of artist, a portrait painter, as you know. ….

Mrs. Swan I can’t say I do, Mr. Das. Until I received your letter your father was unknown to me. In fact, the attribution ‘Unknown Indian Artist’ described the situation exactly….

Anish he was not unknown in Jummapur!

Act One


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