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The Edusites’ Guide to Webster’s ‘The Duchess of Malfi” - Lesson 1

Richard Gent | Saturday January 18, 2020

Categories: KS5 Resources, Cambridge AS and A Level 8695 IGCE, Drama, Webster’s ‘The Duchess of Malfi”

Lesson Plan One

  1. In this lesson we will look at our introduction to the play and its issues in Act One scene one.
  2. The learning objective is to develop our understanding of the ways in which the characters introduce themselves and each other and which of the play's major themes are broached. We will then go on to link these points to moments later in the scene when they flag critical moments in the drama.
  3. By the end we should be able to answer the question: ‘how important is the opening scene in setting the tone, mood and ideology of the play?

As part of your preparation you should have looked again and in detail at the text.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the narrative and the stages by which the characters are introduced.

Starter Activity

DELIO.  You are welcome to your country, dear Antonio................ 

........How do you like the French court?   

ANTONIO. I admire it: 

In seeking to reduce both state and people  

To a fix'd order, their judicious king  

Begins at home; quits first his royal palace  

Of flattering sycophants, of dissolute  

And infamous persons,—which he sweetly terms  

His master's master-piece, the work of heaven;  

Considering duly that a prince's court  

Is like a common fountain, whence should flow  

Pure silver drops in general, but if 't chance  

Some curs'd example poison 't near the head,   

Death and diseases through the whole land spread.  

And what is 't makes this blessed government  


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