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The Merchant’s Tale Lesson Three

Richard Gent | Tuesday September 29, 2015

Categories: KS5 Resources, KS5 Literature, Poetry, Chaucer

Lesson Plan Three

His final lines form a sort of disclaimer: that the tale will not be connected to his own experience of marriage. That his head will rule his heart: but plainly it doesn't. In lesson three we will look at the points in the tale where his feelings inform and direct what the characters do and say.

The learning objective is

  • To understand the richness and variety of the narrative, which is, let us remember, a condemnation of wives and marriage. An important part of that variety and richness is the intervention of the Merchant's own comments on the story he has to tell.

By the end of this lesson we should be able to

  • Decide what the overall effect of the apostrophes is on the ways in which the narrative works to bring matters to a climax.

Starter Activity

Split the class into four groups and each group read through one of the apostrophes below.

  • It's another good opportunity to try reading the text aloud.
  • It will help you work to the rhythm and emphasis that Chaucer has laid down.
  • It can also be very good fun. 
  • There should be a prize for the most successful reader.

When you have finished this you need to decide on the following:-

  • What is the context here: what is going on in the narrative at this specific point?
  • What prompts the merchant to intervene in the narrative?
  • What exactly does he say and why, do you think?
  • Why and when does he resume the narrative
  • What more do we learn about his character?

Group 1


O perilous fire, that in the bedstraw breedeth!

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