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  • Semantics
    Semantics is the study of word and phrase meaning (but also see pragmatics). Writers often…
  • Semantic / lexical field or set
    This term refers to a relationship that exists between some of the words or phrases used in a text.…
  • Semantic value
    The semantic value of a unit of something is the meaning it contains. By forming words and…
  • Sentence
    A sentence is a sequence of words constructed in accordance with the conventions of standard grammar…
  • ‘Minor sentence’
    A minor is typically an aspect of speech and consists of a grammatical sentence that is missing its…
  • Sign / signifier / signified
    A sign is anything that creates meaning. Words are an important kind of sign composed of symbols…
  • Sociolect
    A sociolect is a variety of language used by a social group within a particular context; a dialect…
  • Standard English
    This is the agreed standard national dialect of English. Standard English is generally considered to…
  • Structure
    The structure of something refers to the form of the complete item – such as a sentence or a text…
  • Stem
    The ‘core’ part of a word to which prefixes and suffixes can be added, e.g. interest which can…
  • Style
    Style means the way language and structure are chosen by a writer or speaker to suit a particular…
  • Subject and object
    The word ‘subject’ needs care as it has a particular – and very important – meaning that is…
  • Subjunctive
    Verb mood used to show a hypothetical situation, e.g. If it were possible, I would do it.
  • Suffix
    An affix (a morpheme) added to the end of a word to alter its grammatical function, e.g. the noun…
  • Synonym / antonym
    A word that has a closely similar meaning to another word. English has very few true synonyms (e.g.…
  • Syntax
    Syntax is the most important aspect of English grammar. It refers to the way words are put together…