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  • Dialogue
    When a character speaks, his or her words must be put inside speech marks. The speech is called…
  • Discourse Marker / Connectives / Linking Expressions
    A word or phrase used to suggest a boundary of some kind, to indicate a change of direction, focus,…
  • Domain
    The general subject area or topic of a discourse (see also register).
  • False start
    A false start is when a person feels the need to self-correct a turn of speech (see also…
  • Face
    This is a term suggested by linguist Irving Goffman as a part of his theory that concerning the way…
  • Feedback
    This describes a conversational turn that is aimed at supporting the other speaker (see…
  • Field
    According to linguist Halliday, this is one aspects of language register. Field is ‘that which is…
  • Filler (or voice pause)
    A non-lexical sound used to prevent a silence or pause that might lead to an interruption or second…
  • Fixed Expression / Cliche
    An expression used as a part of ‘comfortable’, everyday speech that lacks the impact of an…
  • Floor
    Used as in ‘holding/taking/yielding/controlling the floor’: this is a conversational analysis…
  • Flouting (a maxim)
    when a turn works to surprise an interlocutor because it seems not to be ‘cooperative’ in the…
  • Hedge / hedging
    A conversational turn that consisting of phrases such as ‘sort of’, ‘kind of’…’ are used…
  • Hesitation
    An aspect of everyday speech used for various reasons, e.g. W-e-ll...’, ‘you know…’.…
  • Hesitancy features
    See ‘hedge’, ‘hesitation’, ‘false start’, ‘self-repair’ and ‘recycling’.
  • Hyperbole
    Hyperbole (pronounced: hi-per-bol-ee) is found in many non-fiction and media texts. It is a form of…
  • Hyper-correction
    A use of language that is non-standard but which the user believes to be standard – a kind of…
  • Ideational
    A part of linguist M.A.K. Halliday’s (1985) theory that labelled a kind of utterance used to…
  • Ideolect
    A language ‘variety’ specific to the individual. We each use certain stylistic aspects that…
  • Implicature
    See Grice’s co-operative principle.
  • Implicit imperative
    A verb used in the imperative (‘command’) mood but which has been made more polite by some…
  • Initiation
    An opening to a conversation – an initiating move. The floor being taken in this way can often…
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