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Glossary - C

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  • Clause
    A clause is a key grammatical structure. Thought of at its simplest, a clause can be considered as a…
  • Cohesion
    Many patterns of words exhibit a quality known as cohesion. This means that they form coherent…
  • Collocation
    Many words are habitually put together – or collocated. A collocation is any habitually linked…
  • Colloquial / slang
    A ‘colloquy’ is simply a formal word for ‘conversation’, so colloquial language refers to…
  • Complement
    A word, phrase or clause that follows a verb (or, in some grammars, also a preposition) and which…
  • Conjunction
    A word class composed of words that are used as ‘joining words’. Conjunctions function to link…
  • Connotation / denotation
    The denotation of a word is its direct, literal or specific meaning (the one that can be found as a…
  • Context
    Context is a central aspect of language use. It refers to ‘things’ that ‘surround’ a text at…
  • Copula / linking verb
    A very few verbs act only to link a subject to a complement, for example, the verb ‘is’ in,…
  • Convergence / Divergence / Accommodation Theory
    In his theory of ‘accommodation’ regarding conversation, Giles suggested that conversational…
  • Co-operative Principle
    Conversation is a social interaction and co-operative and thus aims to be truthful, clear, brief and…
  • Covert prestige
    The use of non-standard language forms (accent or dialect) in situations where such a form will gain…